Wednesday, December 21, 2011
PICHA;Jinsi Mvua ilivyoiharibu Dar Es Salaam
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Feel At Home
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
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Basic principle of insurance
1. Indemity
-this principle states that the insurance does not aim at benefity a person, its object is to compesate a person for what he has lost.
2. Insurable i nterest
-this principle states that a person can insure only such property whose destruction would result in financial loss to himself.
3. Proximate cause
-states that there must be a relationship between the cause of loss and the actual risk insured against to enable the insured to claim compasation.
4. Utmost good faith
-states that a person applying for insurance must give the material facts about property to be insured.
5. Subrogation
-states that any gain out of loss compensated belongs to the insurer (insurance company).
6. Contribution
-states that an insured can insure his property to more than one insurer, but when loss is occured he/she may not receive more than sum insured (i.e. value of property insured).
Basic principle of insurance
1. Indemity
-this principle states that the insurance does not aim at benefity a person, its object is to compesate a person for what he has lost.
2. Insurable i nterest
-this principle states that a person can insure only such property whose destruction would result in financial loss to himself.
3. Proximate cause
-states that there must be a relationship between the cause of loss and the actual risk insured against to enable the insured to claim compasation.
4. Utmost good faith
-states that a person applying for insurance must give the material facts about property to be insured.
5. Subrogation
-states that any gain out of loss compensated belongs to the insurer (insurance company).
6. Contribution
-states that an insured can insure his property to more than one insurer, but when loss is occured he/she may not receive more than sum insured (i.e. value of property insured).
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Feel At Home
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
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Kwa maeneo yaliyopo mabondeni inasemekana kuwa ni tatizo sugu kwa wakazi wa maeneo hayo kuto taka kuhama hususani kwenye mabonde ya jangwani ambalo limebainishwa kuwa eneo la wazi, hayo yamesemwa na Waziri wa Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi Prof. Anna Tibaijuka alipokuwa anafanya mahojiano na waandishi wa habari.
Kwa upande mwingne kuna ripoti za kuharibika kwa Daraja la Kawe bondeni ambako kumesabishwa na mvua hizo hivyo usafiri wa kutoka Tegeta kwenda maeneo ya mjini kuwa tatizo na baadhi ya magari kulazimika kukatisha ruti za kwenda maeneo ya mjini kwa kusingizia kuwa na foreni kubwa.
Kwa tathimini ya haraka mvua hizi zimesababisha Watu wengi kupoteza maisha, kuharibikiwa na nyumba kutokana na kujaa maji, kuanguka kwa nguzo za umeme na kuripuka kwa transfoma kwa baadhi ya maeneo ya Jiji.
Posted by
Feel At Home
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
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